But not gone. I'd rather forgotten about this blog until I saw that someone visited Green Bamboo (the other one) via this blog a couple of days ago. At the moment, this place has lost any vague purpose it might've had. Perhaps I should revive the ethical and philosophical problems again. So what's been going on? Well, I spent July and the first week of August riding around Chengdu and visiting the sights (although if you want pictures, you'll have to go to Green Bamboo). I spent three weeks in Zhuhai in August doing a TEFL training course. It was a lot of work, especially because I had to do a four-week course in three weeks. Anyway, on the final day I was awarded my certificate, which means I'm now formally qualified to do my job. It also means that a job in Hong Kong is more likely than it was. I'll be talking to some people about that when I go there next week for the National Day holiday. I'm still undecided whether I should spend two years here in Chen...