Rights? Not on my watch.

Don't mention the Declaration.

I'm pretty certain that when I first came to the inGlorious Motherland, it was possible to get onto the Omniglot site. It's devoted to languages and writing systems. Why should such a site be so offensive to Nanny? Since I was curious, I took a trip there via anonymouse. The most likely reason seems to be the sample text that's used to illustrate each language. Here are the "offending" sentences in Catalan and Occitan (Languedoc variety).
Tots els éssers humans neixen lliures i iguals en dignitat i en drets. Són dotats de raó i de consciència, i han de comportar-se fraternalment els uns amb es altres.

Totas las personas nàisson liuras e parièras en dignitat e en dreches. Son cargadas de rason e de consciéncia e mai lor se cal comportar entre elas amb un eime de frairetat.
For those of us who know neither language, what do these sentences say? They are translations of Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But any suggestion that human beings have rights is an anathema to Nanny, which is why I suspect the site is blocked. It is, of course, a crude block since the site is apolitical as far as I'm aware.

Another disgraceful episode in the annals of censorship.


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