Let's have another post, shall we?
It's not even next week. It's been reported in The Guardian that Steve Jones is claiming that humans have reached their evolutionary zenith ( We're as good as we can get, says evolution expert ). In the past, I've wondered about human evolution in that ailments which would still have been fatal until fairly recent times in human history can now be cured. But that is without, say, modifying a person's genetic structure to allow them to pass on an inherent immunity to their offspring. That person survives, but has no genetic advantages to offer future generations. However, I find it unethical to subscribe to Nature's callous and brutal indifference to humanity even although I understand that natural selection is a part of existence. But it's not just humans either. Think of the species of domesticated animals which we've genetically engineered to yield better and increased amounts of meat, wool, milk etc. When the animal falls sick we either summon the vet...