Is the curtain going to fall again?
Last post for the next two years? I’m hoping that I’ll be returning to the Empire with some means of circumventing the Great Wall of Paranoia, although whether such means work depends on just how exceedingly paranoid the imperial government is. I’d like the Internet back, thank you very much. As I said, Spaces got transferred to WordPress, which first got crippled while the mandarins had their conference, and then got sent to intensive care – behind the locked door. So much for my main blog. That forced me to switch to Live Journal ( Green Bamboo ) and basically begin again because five years’ worth of blogging was no longer accessible. I assume that Live Journal has been left alone because it’s popular with the Russians, and since the imperial government views the Grand Duchy of Muskovy as safe (i.e., corrupt, paranoid, and authoritarian), such people aren’t likely to care about those little inconveniences such as human rights, the rule of law, freedom of speech, and democracy. Anyway...