Red light? What red light?

I’m the emperor. Red lights apply to other people.

I’m almost across Jiefang Lu yesterday afternoon when some f_cking plonker on an electric scooter comes out of nowhere from my left and cuts across my bows just as I’m accelerating. I slam my brakes on and end up tumbling off my bike, coming down hard on my left hand at the base of the thumb and severely bruising it. When I get up, I find that my bike is upside down, sitting on the seat and handlebars, and the culprit has run off like the snivelling cur that he probably is.

My thumb has been feeling a little better today, but my left hand has minimal functionality. Above wiggling my fingers, there’s not much I can do with my left hand. For example, I can’t grasp things [Mentally? –ed.] or pick things up where some bending of the wrist is involved; and mastur… I mean, reading spiritually uplifting volumes is rather difficult.

The base of my thumb is swollen and my fingers feel puffy as well, and I’m back on the diclofenac sodium, which may have spared me an uncomfortable night last night.


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