
Showing posts from February, 2012

Detachable feet?

And a detachable brain. Term resumes. I wish it could’ve waited another week while I recover from a fairly noxious dose of the flu which has me coughing, aching, and wilting, but has – small mercy – not inflicted copious streams of green snot squirting out of my nose. Mind you, there’s been digestive squirting as the virus attacked other parts of me. I spent almost all of Sunday in bed and disinclined to eat, and went to the doctor yesterday, who prescribed some penicillin. I’m mostly feeling better, but it hurts to cough and my voice makes me sound like I’ve been trying to eat ground-up concrete. Anyway, I’m not just here to talk about my health, but also about the student whose response to the topic “What three things would you take with you to a desert island?” included “my feet”. The little darling in question does a good rabbit-in-the-headlights impression in class. She got a good C overall in the end-of-term exam, but that’s like an E in real terms (where native speak