We thought it was all over, and it was
An early start. I’ve been lax in my blogging, not just here but elsewhere, too, perhaps having reached a point where I have nothing new to say or see no point in saying anything because saying something achieves nothing. Term ended like a slow terminal illness, and died by inches, one millimetre at a time. Apart from one class in the final week, I had no teaching at all for most of June because of changes to the post-exam timetable. There were things to be done, but I got on and did them, and then the term resumed its terminal decline. In fact, it died two days sooner in one of those classic Chinese moments when some student comes and tells us in the course of some unrelated conversation that the final day is Wednesday. My reaction was one of scepticism, but after some research, it turned out to be true, although who knows when we would have been informed. However, knowing what the school can be like, I won’t be at all surprised if we have to work the weekend before the star...