Promotion in word
But perhaps not in fact. The merger of English and Humanities, which I reported in my previous post, isn’t going to happen, but Dmitry is allegedly going to be deputy Führer instead. Why? No other Führer has ever sat there saying, “Oh, I need a deputy.” This makes Vlad look lazy as he probably unloads all the trivial stuff onto Dmitry, and possibly incompetent if he can’t cope with the same job his predecessors have been doing. I suspect the post will largely be nominal. I don’t know, for example, whether deputy Führer is even a real job within the hierarchy. I don’t know whether Dmitry will get a pay increase. (He shouldn’t; another senior colleague is refusing to take on extra responsibilities unless he get paid more, which is apparently not going to happen.) The idea that we all have individual classrooms is still live, but like me, Sarasvati isn’t keen on the idea and is hoping that it can be killed off. I don’t know quite what might’ve been running through Vlad’s he...