
Showing posts from January, 2019

Do it, Michael, do it

It is a far, far better thing I do now. We’ve already replaced Colonel Blimp with Colonel Blimp Mk. II (i.e., another AP sort with, in all likelihood, no IB experience), hence that post didn’t get advertised. The Screeching Blimpette was meant to be leaving, but with Sarasvati departing, she’s apparently decided to apply for the post of DP Co-ordinator with Colonel Blimp’s backing. (In fact, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this encouragement was quite deliberate; the misguided favouritism of Vlad’s day is still alive and kicking.) This has caused consternation to the point that although I don’t expect to be successful (beyond applying), I’m going to apply for the job myself. Mr Bradford and I have both been talking about doing this, and I’ve had Reggaeman ask me to throw my hat in the ring. As I said, I’m not expecting to get very far, especially if (as I hope) someone with proper experience applies, but the Blimpette’s sole qualification is her belief that she’s qualifie...

Least recruited

Is this stupidity I see before me? Our numbers are way down, but this is, it appears, because of limits on the number of morons the school is allowed to recruit. At the moment, we don’t know whether the IB programme will survive. There are other factors involved and no resolution for the moment. But even if the programme does live to fight another day, the numbers will be tiny because the days of 120+ schoolchildren have become history. In all likelihood, it won’t survive, which is when I have to decide whether it’s worth persevering with an English programme with no official exams, or whether I try to find a post in an international school where the IB programme is a proper sort of affair. (We do try to follow the principles of the IBO as best we can, but in truth, we’re up against because the DP programme only works effectively at international schools; it doesn’t really work with imperial citizens.) I do what I can with my department, but it’s like herding deranged stray cats...