
Showing posts from 2010

Well, this is unexpected to say the least

I'm back. I'd better make the most of it. I don't honestly know what's going on, but this morning I found that YouTube widgets were not only visible, but there now seems to be partial access to material on the site. More than that, I thought I'd try blogspot. I was able to access the blog, although when I tried to go to via some Chinese interface, the site got blocked. When I checked what Google services were available via iGoogle, I got a very limited list, blogger not being among them. But I then switched to Google UK, checked the service list, and got a great many more options than the first page I looked at. Not only that, but I was also able to access blogger and post this entry. I hope. However, I don't know whether my discoveries are a happy coincidence, or whether YouTube and blogspot are truly accessible again. Sad to say, I suspect that this may all be temporary and may be nothing more than a hole in the Great Firewall while Nanny installs ...