Well, this is unexpected to say the least

I'm back. I'd better make the most of it.

I don't honestly know what's going on, but this morning I found that YouTube widgets were not only visible, but there now seems to be partial access to material on the site. More than that, I thought I'd try blogspot. I was able to access the blog, although when I tried to go to blogger.com via some Chinese interface, the site got blocked. When I checked what Google services were available via iGoogle, I got a very limited list, blogger not being among them. But I then switched to Google UK, checked the service list, and got a great many more options than the first page I looked at. Not only that, but I was also able to access blogger and post this entry. I hope.

However, I don't know whether my discoveries are a happy coincidence, or whether YouTube and blogspot are truly accessible again. Sad to say, I suspect that this may all be temporary and may be nothing more than a hole in the Great Firewall while Nanny installs new software because we can't have the people of this country reading all that trivia which fills blogs just like this one.

I did come here back in February when I went to Hong Kong because of the spam boys from that offshore island which is and isn't part of some sort of China. In truth, they were wasting their time because being unable to permit such crap to be posted, I simply had to leave their spam in a holding pattern. I did stop people from posting comments, a policy which will have to remain in force because there's no guarantee that blogger and YouTube will still be accessible tomorrow.

02.02.11. Well, that was a one-off, and it’s only because I’m temporarily beyond Nanny’s choking, arthritic grasp that I can actually add a comment here today. My current theory is that blogspot and YouTube have remained blocked because of their association with Google and the philosophy of certain senior members of the company. It’d be nice if the imperial government grew up and the little turd in charge of Internet paranoia accepted that a lot of people are going to hate him for ruining the Internet. He probably got the Tibetans to riot so that he’d have an excuse to kill blogspot and YouTube off once and for all.


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