The marathon

Isn’t quite over.

120 pieces of writing; about 16,000 words; a little over a week. It will haunt me in my dreams tonight as I have pieces of paper chasing after me while I fend them off with a red pen.

The average for the Ass classes is probably about 15. That’s probably a little on the low side, but not by much and after all the crap I’ve had to wade through, I’m disinclined to care. I dished out a zero to mute Myrtle for plagiarism, and I’m sure there were others who deserved the same fate. In fact, I think it was mute Myrtle who happened to have an exchange with self-deluding Sid during the course of the exam. (Unfortunately conditions for the writing part of the exam were less than ideal and students had to sit in their usual configuration. I’m sure there was a deal more cheating than I was able to observe. Again, I don’t care because Chinese students are so rubbish at cheating that it does them no favours.)

Self-deluding Sid initially seemed quite capable, but has turned out to be a useless cabbage ever since. He seems innately incapable of focusing on writing tasks and drifts off into some other topic because, it seems, he thinks that he’ll be rewarded for attempting to be daring. Even in the InterBac, in spite of the learner profile, daring which ignores the topic doesn’t get rewarded.

In spite of having done four hours of invigilation already, I still have more tomorrow, not to mention some babysitting. Friday is a little lighter and I should be able to polish off the reading part of the exams fairly quickly.


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