You've just got to go "Ow!"

The writing is gooder; the ideas are worser.

I’ve finished going through Ass β’s writing. I haven’t actually given it any marks just yet, but have made comments about the four parts so that I can go back later and do the business. They’re still going to end up with fairly good marks for language, but the marking criteria for SL are so nice that ‘Everybody has won, and all must have prizes.’ It’s very hard not to get prizes. They’ll also get reasonable marks for message, although I must keep an eye on my comments where I’ve observed that the writing is disorganised. The one part where they could be punished, format, is also worth the fewest marks.

Again, the InterBac programme aims to flatter because for the sort of money it charges, it needs to feign results which will please the mummies and daddies who are spending copious sums of money on their imbeciles.

However, my remarks about the parts of their writing should leave them in no doubt as to their true competence. They almost all seemed to have scurried off to the Internet for assistance because they keep mentioning the same things over and over again. Instead of giving their own verdicts about the film, they parrot what other people have said, which means that they never formulate their own judgements. I knew this would happen.

China has a long way to go before it’s ever mistaken for an empire of independent thinkers.

Ass α&γ’s writing is up next and likely to be even more blatant in its lack of originality since there are some veritable cabbages in that class.


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