But I'm a genius

No, you’re not. You’re self-deluding.

I’ve seen the numbers of HL and SL students for next year, and they don’t make for encouraging reading. 77% of the pre-AL students have opted for HL, which means that there are going to be quite a number who shouldn’t be doing HL at all and will struggle to cope.

HL students have to read two works of English lit. and do more in the externally assessed exams, but only have the same amount of time as the SL students. Mr Looms suggested that the counsellors are to blame, which might be true, but why would students be going to them about it? I told the little darlings that if they’re likely to get an A or B in the exam, they should consider HL, but as usual there seem to be some self-deluding nitwits.

(There were some such idiots this year, but the general criterion for determining the choice seems to have been laziness. A number of [lazy] students who should’ve done HL have been doing SL instead. It appears that this trend has probably not been repeated, although I expect that I’ll go into class at the start of next year and see a few students who should be in the other class.)

I went through the class lists today assigning students to one group or the other, and determined that the HL-SL split should, in my judgement, be roughly equal. But in their minds, a few too many of them think they’re geniuses for reasons which I can only guess. If this year is anything to go by, reality for the HL students is likely to be cruel. Where my SL students have been doing ridiculously well, Mr Foucault’s HL students have done quite badly, a trend which could be exacerbated if about a third of next year’s HL students are idiots who shouldn’t be in the class.

I’m hoping that Ms. Giggles might get lumbered with the halfwits, but there might be a fair few of them in the HL class. [30.08.14. Indeed she did get lumbered with the morons.]

From what I’ve been told, English has previously been the one subject where students have been improving, but that may be about to go backwards quite badly.


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