The sinkhole

Looms and Giggles.

Is it just us or does every school in the programme attract at least one weird (EFL) teacher who is not wanted elsewhere? This year it’s been Mr Looms whose previous school seemed to be glad to see the back of him, and whose absences finished him off here.

Now we have Ms. Giggles coming as one of the new teachers. Again, she’s already at another school in the programme and, from what I’ve heard, they want to get rid of her while retaining the other two English teachers.

At the weekend (about which more briefly in a moment) Ms. Giggles managed to annoy Mr Foucault (which is quite a feat). Today in the office (she’s here dealing with her visa) she managed to annoy Mr Looms (which is also a feat), and also annoyed Ms. B (which isn’t much of a feat).

So far, so not good. [30.08.14. By the end of the year, I could tolerate Mr Looms, but a year of Ms. Giggles has not endeared her to me or anyone else; 08.06.15. Two years later and she’s still a colossal pain i’ th’ arse.]

At the weekend there was training in Shanghai. I didn’t bother going because I just didn’t bother, but it seems I was expected to go even although I’m not actually an InterBac teacher. (Yes, that’s a feeble excuse, but not invalid.)

It seems that I’m only going to be teaching English B next year because the other new teacher has never taught InterBac before and will start with Pre-AL. That means that I’ll have to put up with the dribbling idiots in Pre-AL β, quite possibly for another two years. Scream! [30.08.14. Never happened like that. I moved on with the A2s, and got one HL Ass class; I also got a real IB class.]


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