Check out the irony

Rebellion is never justifiable, is it?

I’ve just been reading an article on The Economist about China’s attitude to the rebels in Libya and its wibbly-wobbly approach to dealing with the rebellion there. It includes one of those deathless lines, viz.:

It does not want to send signals at home that rebellion can ever be justified.

Let’s think. What happened the last time there was a change of government in China? Oh that’s right. A small number of people decided that by violently opposing the previous regime, which itself had not gained office through a popular vote, they had the legitimate right to govern the Empire. Did they bother asking everyone else what they thought?

While we’re talking about irony, why are the Mainlanders complaining about the Americans selling posh kit to the Taiwanese? They should be quite pleased because Beijing doesn’t have to spend 一角 on the defence of Taiwan which, as we know, is part of China. (True, but a stupid truth.) Since the Taiwanese are paying for all this new gear, it means the top brass on the Mainland can spend more money on SUVs and S-class Mercs. Thus, the American arms industry makes some money; Taiwan can contribute to China’s defence; and the military on the Mainland can buy some more nice luxury cars.

I think that’s a little too much irony for one post.


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