Holy blogroll, Batman!

Random, not religious.

I started clicking on the Next blog link without logging on to Green Bamboo. What did I get? Religious nutjobs. I clicked on the link again. There was another; and another; and another. What’s wrong with you people? I want random blogs written by sane, rational people. Why would Google think that I’d want to see a bunch of blogs by barking mad religious types?

Ah, a little light comes on. It’ll be because my blogroll includes the British Humanist Association and Investigating Atheism, and for some reason a lot of people think that atheism must be some sort of alt. religion like Buddhism, for example. It’s not. Atheists don’t believe in disbelief as if it’s something that we worship. We just don’t ascribe life, the universe and everything to some alternative to the flying spaghetti monster, but rather to scientific principles.

Born – live – reproduce – die. That’s it. In between, we may achieve something which leads to lasting fame, but for most of us, we pass into history without having had any significant impact on existence. That’s the way life is, and there’s no point in getting fussed about it.


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