For the sake of it

I have nothing to say, but this is the Internet.

The financial world is going to hell. Again. And what can most of us do about it? Nothing. Europe seems to be about to slide down the toilet and even the Empire is apparently wobbling a bit.

Meanwhile, there are particles which might just be able to exceed the speed of light. Confirmation pending.

Amanda Knox might yet be released from prison. As on other occasions, I have no idea whether we’re being conned into believing she’s actually innocent or whether there really isn’t the proof to secure a certain conviction. I’ve seen one article, in The Guardian, which went into why the conviction was sound; but most of the time, overtly or covertly, the assumption is that the conviction was, at least, unsound.

Meanwhile, the Americans are executing people on allegedly flimsy grounds and blocking Amnesty International writing campaigns. It’s also further proof that Amnesty International isn’t partisan. It leaves the Empire in an awkward position. I’m sure the mandarins would like to crow about America’s discomfiture, but they don’t want to be seen siding with AI. Ah, irony.

24.09.11 I said “meanwhile” one time too many, didn’t I?


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