Nothing to do with short shorts
But something to do with Sichuanhua. When I got to Chengdu, I was keen to hear the local speech which will be the fourth variety I've been exposed to. In Beijing, they sounded like pirates. In southern Jiangsu Province, they sounded Japanese or Korean. In Fuzhou, they seem to have decided that affricates are passé, and that the /r/~/l/ allophony seemed even more extreme than it was in Jiangsu Province. A day or two after I got here, I went to a local restaurant where there were three guys speaking some language that I couldn't identify. My best guess is that it was the local version of Mandarin. The one feature I noticed was the odd-sounding tone which reminded me of what the Uighurs appeared to be doing clause-finally, although as far as I'm aware, Uighur isn't a tone language. Anyway, I was nosing around the Web, looking for info about Sichuanhua, when I found long legged fly , who's been posting a primer about the language. There. A post that isn't about the ...