New games to play

Short shorts and puffy skirts.

When I was doing my PhD, it was the age of 70s retro. The undergraduates of the day, who had been born at the tail-end of the 70s and thus had no recollection of flares or any other sartorial disasters, would dress up like hippies. Their ignorance was their protection from good taste. I used to play a game in which I'd score 15 points every time I saw one of these retro idiots.

Tonight I thought I could do the same with short shorts or those awful puffy skirts from the 80s. Every time I see some girl in short shorts, I score 15 points. I think I would've scored about 90 points this evening if I'd started playing the game early enough. However, if see too many girls in short shorts, I think my eyeballs might melt sooner from the strain.


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