
In at least two senses.

But first, short shorts news. My outing to Carrefour yesterday resulted in a score of 150 points in spite of the day being a little cooler. Not sure there will be much short shorts action today because it's raining.

Anyway, now that that's out of the way, on with the main feature.

It's been noted in various places (aka expat blogs) that China does appear to attract some rather peculiar foreigners. The programme I'm with has had alcoholics, drug addicts, gay child molesters, and a couple guys who apparently set themselves up as pimps. There are also the missionary tendency people who seem to be older colonial women who, at least subconsciously, appear to believe they're bringing enlightenment to the heathens. I'm told that Chengdu is full of foreign weirdos. Tësaien celmenne tei' édhi. Cadhan si·mei mé 'tei.

All these sorts of people seem to think that the laws of physics don't apply in China. Somehow, what would be normal decent behaviour at home is no longer applicable. It's like being on an extended holiday. Many probably bring the corruption with them, while others get corrupted once they're here because tendencies they might previously suppressed suddenly have an outlet. Some behaviour may also stem from depression. People who are not actually alcoholics may drink a little more knowing that they have to face some bunch of completely intractable cretins tomorrow or taught them today and wasted 45 minutes of their lives which could've been put to better use. (No, I'm not being autobiographical, although I easily could be if I were some lesser mortal.)


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