Nothing to do with short shorts

But something to do with Sichuanhua.

When I got to Chengdu, I was keen to hear the local speech which will be the fourth variety I've been exposed to. In Beijing, they sounded like pirates. In southern Jiangsu Province, they sounded Japanese or Korean. In Fuzhou, they seem to have decided that affricates are passé, and that the /r/~/l/ allophony seemed even more extreme than it was in Jiangsu Province.

A day or two after I got here, I went to a local restaurant where there were three guys speaking some language that I couldn't identify. My best guess is that it was the local version of Mandarin. The one feature I noticed was the odd-sounding tone which reminded me of what the Uighurs appeared to be doing clause-finally, although as far as I'm aware, Uighur isn't a tone language.

Anyway, I was nosing around the Web, looking for info about Sichuanhua, when I found long legged fly, who's been posting a primer about the language.

There. A post that isn't about the short shorts game; although speaking of that, I saw some girl wearing short shorts (as I've defined them), but they were these puffy beige things. She could at least take comfort that she wasn't the worst dressed girl in the city today, that honour going to a most ridiculously dressed girl I'd seen earlier in the day. If insanity can be defined sartorially, she was the walking definition of the word.


Anonymous said…
Sorry to post this comment here, based on your post at the spaces account:!E60F1A35F46EF554!1090.entry

where you talk about 300.

But I refuse to register for MSN just to post a comment and figured I could do it here, you'd reveice it, etc. All well and good, right?

The post I respond to is a bit dated, and perhaps you found the answer on your own, but when you ask about the film adaptation with the New York gang, etc. - well, I think you're referring to Walter Hill's wonderful bit of 70s cinema: THE WARRIORS.

I discovered your blog a few days ago and have been working my way from the first entry to the most recent (the spaces entity, of course). It's a good read.

Continued success,

Uncle Angel said…
I did see this comment back in August, but at the time I was a little pressed for time to reply.

I'd forgotten the name of the film, but The Warriors sounds right. A good film as far as I recall and much better than the ridiculous 300.

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