It's not you; it's me

Where's the lovin' gone?

I was just getting back home at midday when I had a phone call from Central Command. It turns out that there isn't going to be any Senior 1 intake next term after all, and only three of us will be required – me, Glen and Row. Brian's been offered a place at another school somewhere. It means that the programme here will be coming to an end about a year from now. Moreover, my pay would remain unchanged because there will only be three of us here. Considering how long I've been with the programme, I'm not happy about this.

I later heard from sources close to the Dowager Empress Cixi that the school would like to continue the programme because they make money from it. The decision to end it came from Central Command. I don't know why such a decision should've been made because this is one of the better schools in the programme. Possible reasons are politics and money. I also wonder what effect the new foreign partner might've had.

When the programme expanded, I thought it'd grown too large too soon. When a new foreign partner joined the dance last year, I wondered how that particular threesome was going to work; whether the groom would start raising the red lantern before the new concubine's room while the first wife languished.

Where to next? I don't know whether there's much chance of getting a job here which pays as well as the present one. I'm not out of a job because there are other posts elsewhere in the programme, but with a few exceptions, they'd be in places which don't interest me. I don't want to end up in another anonymous provincial town. It's also possible that I'd end up working for the concubine, something I considered briefly last year until I heard what the job entailed – no thanks. My preferred option is to try and get a job in Hong Kong, although that creates other complications. On that, the rest is silence.


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