Where, Oh where has my little blog gone?

Where, Oh where can it be?

As you can see, though not that it matters because I only post here occasionally, I’ve changed my template. But for some reason, I can’t see the blog. I’m hoping that a post will bring it out of hiding. However, I notice that some blogspot blogs aren’t appearing, which I’ll attribute to the volume of traffic resulting from the presidential elections in the US.

Seems that Obama will probably be the next encumbent in the Big Chair. I don’t know about the Americans, but the rest of us won’t miss Ayatollah Dubya. I haven’t really paid much attention to the whole business because The Guardian has been bashing us over the head with the whole thing. It was foreign news and deserved a corresponding level of attention. But I get the impression that Obama is a bit humourless, a little robotic, but isn’t likely to stick his cigars in inappropriate places.


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