That's your job

No, it’s yours.

Oh, bugger. Fred asked me where tomorrow’s English exam paper was. I thought he was dealing with it. Turns out he was taking care of the mock exam for March this year; and thus, we don’t have an exam for tomorrow.

Actually, make that “didn’t have”. I’ve thrown something together this afternoon, but it’ll be a close-run thing with the paper being printed this afternoon.

No one reminded me or asked me about the exam, which is why this didn’t come to light sooner. The confusion which led to this problem is a consequence of the AQM setting end-of-term exams in the past, which is why I thought that’s what Fred was doing.

It’s also another argument for having Adobe Acrobat here at school so that I could pluck pages from this exam and that, and plonk them in a single file, which I could then have sent to Iris so that they could be dispatched directly to Mr Photocopy.

To add insult to injury, I have Friday off because of certain teachers being absent last Saturday through no fault of their own… Let me explain. When we were told that we’d have the Friday before New Year off, all of my colleagues in the office opposite made plans. A few days later, we were having to work on Saturday and would get Monday and Tuesday off. By then, it was too late. As a consequence, I’m not going to be invigilating any exams on Friday, but the English exams are tomorrow, and I can’t dither and delay with the marking. Friday shall be no rest day for me (to parody Alexander Pope slightly).


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