Tales of Lauty Grace

The Who’s That of Listening Exams.

Sailing photography:
Best photos from Lauty Grace
Answers from other students keep mentioning New York for some peculiar reason.

I’m imagining that Lauty Grace is a photographer of some sort who gets into various scrapes each week by photographing something she shouldn’t or her camera photographs the future and she has to rescue someone from the fate she has recorded or <insert idea here>.

I see that “CD action” is back as a fairly frequent answer and yet in spite of it being obviously nonsensical, it doesn’t appear to concern the little darlings unduly.

I’ve now hit a batch of papers where it appears they were all busy sharing answers. As I said in the previous entry, these practice tests might be informal, but it’s a waste of their time if they’re just going to copy each other.

I would post this if Freegate could get through to the server. The new version is having no more luck connecting than the old one had.


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