It's a stitch-up

I don’t remember voting for the monkey in the paper hat, but I’m sure I did.

When the cardinals gathered to elect a new pope, we thought that Lincoln Green would probably get the job by default. We knew the school didn’t want Ms. Giggles even although in many respects, she was a potentially ideal candidate. (Aside: She might’ve been the better candidate, but we also had no problems imagining rule by diktat under her wise and benevolent governance.)

But it was the outside candidate who got the job. Why? Probably because the new pontifex maximus wanted his own man in place even although he (the new pope) has no InterBac experience. [30.08.14. I also heard that Ms. Giggles did not acquit herself well in the interview.]

In addition to this omission, he’s allegedly rather young. Of course, he may be a natural at the job, but I suspect the rest of us will be there to guide him to the right decisions. I won’t be too surprised if I end up reprising my role in Fuzhou as the wise adviser. [30.08.14. My initial impression is that he does have leadership skills, but he has no sense of humour, not much personality, and a dollop of naive optimism. He doesn’t even know what course the Pre-AL students do even although he’s been teaching it.]

Vlad is a decent enough bloke even if he likes speaking loudly. I’m hoping that he’ll be able to get things done.

I’ve also heard that Vlad has ideas about English – ideas of quite the wrong sort which are based on the quality of students where he’s come from. The idea is to have our little darlings doing English for adults even although they should be doing English for idiots. It wouldn’t happen immediately because we’re locked into the InterBac programme for the time being and because if the parents got to know just how awful the results would be, they’d never allow it. [30.08.14. Actually, Vlad’s going to be teaching English to the Pre-ALs a few times a week.]

Before the current Senior 3s started, we got the results of a proficiency test which measured how well they would probably do in various AL subjects. English language – very bad; English lit. – less very bad. Either way, bad.

Quite a sizeable chunk of AssII are already too stupid to do InterBac SL. Yes, too stupid to do that even although it’s almost impossible for any student to fail. Since there’s very little guarantee of the quality of the students we get lumbered with, a switch away from the present programme would not be a good idea.


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