Boredom is so boring

Chairman of the Bored.

It’s back to that time of year when we don’t have a lot to do. Yes, there are still classes, but most of the students have been away doing SATs, and some students have just been away. This year, I’ve had the same small group persistently turning up to class, which is especially disagreeable on long, drawn-out Friday afternoons, and babysitting them at any time just adds to the pervasive boredom.

There are probably things I could be doing, although I think “redoing” them would be more accurate and I feel wholly disinclined to revise anything much at the moment without feeling that I’d be tinkering for the sake of tinkering.

As a consequence of how dull yesterday was, I’m sure today seemed even duller. I believe I mentioned how boring things were at this time last year, but this year, the level of tedium seems to have risen. That may be a consequence of only having to deal with a single class who, as I noted above, have largely been absent because of SATs.

The exams aren’t quite over, but when they are, I’m probably going to have no more than about a class a week, once again undermining any ideas I might have for trying to cover as much of this year’s programme as possible. Concluding that will again have to wait till next year.

This weekend, it’s the infamous College Entrance Exam, which means that we get Monday off. Of course, the school in its infinite capacity for being a bastard has us doing one six-day week because heaven forbid that human decency and common sense should prevail in place of tyranny and time wasting. Yes, we have to work next (?) weekend, which may simply mean a weekend of being bored at school depending on which days of the week they inflict on us.

This year the feeling that we ought to have packed up and have gone by now seems even stronger than ever. As I said above, the exams aren’t quite over, but I could leave right now and not even care.

But there are still more exams next week and at least two more invigilations to be done. Icing on the boredom cake. Such fun.


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