You can never leave

Hotel China.

The latest wheeze is that we may here almost to the middle of July. Why? Well, it seems that some muppet in the Local Education Authority possibly thinks that terms should be a certain number of weeks in length regardless of the fact that the year is still 365 days.

The first term was ridiculously long, not ending till the 6th of February. Because the Spring Festival is based on the quirks of the lunar calendar, second terms can often be quite short, and this year the second term is even shorter than usual.

Nonetheless, by the end of June we will still have done the same number of days that we always do. No time will have been lost, and quite why we’d still have to be here till the 10th of July, I can’t begin to say. There’s also a good chance that none of our pupils would even be here, or so few that classes would’ve become a monstrous joke.

We’re hearing mixed reports from other centres. Teachers at two nearby schools would be departing in June, but at one of the more far-flung centres, they are also looking at the 10th.

We suspect that the 10th won’t happen, but we’ll probably be stuck here till the 3rd of July (and I won’t be surprised if we don’t even get that far).

Later. I was right. There’s a bit of fudging, but we’ll only be going to about the end of June.


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