We're all stepping stones now

Walk all over me.

Beware of ambitious people. Vlad is apparently angling to be appointed to the Politburo, which may account for last week’s tantrum about his pet database on line, which had us all scrambling to find things to add to it to satisfy him. It may also account for all the extra work that’s hovering over us, which has the potential to cut into time for planning and preparation.

I’d already started adding things slowly to the database, but I’ve also been keen to avoid a repeat of last year when whole months disappeared in an endless sea of marking. Unfortunately, it looks like that’s going to happen again or I won’t have time to finish one thing off before another surfaces.

The latest initiatives have also come in the midst of marking, which is the worst possible time to be lumbering us with more to do.

It was cooler here today. What did the Lone-Star Kid do? Switched on the fans and opened the window, and then opined how pleasant it was.

Yesterday, Tonto declared that he’d be doing the next text type, but not on the assigned topic. I can only hope his decision has been prompted by the intellectual deficiency of his A-level students.

From both, I keep hearing the word “presentations”. Perhaps I should be doing presentations so that I can join in the pretence that the students are taking charge of their own ignorance learning. Nonetheless, if the IBO is keen on uniformity and joint planning, they’re not going to find it in our department.


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