One trouble may be closer to home

Rasputin dithers.

Vlad is out; Dmitry is departing for tropical climes; Rasputin is… dithering.

Yes, Vlad got the boot for the very reason suspected some time ago – he irritated the locals.

Dmitry will be back to being one of the rank-and-file. I wonder how he’ll cope with not being part of the inner circle, and how long it’ll be before he’s in it again. Vlad let him down in the end, and Sarasvati had to supply him with a reference.

As for Rasputin, his departure has been an open secret, but the latest news is that he’s allegedly had an offer, but needs to make his mind up by Monday. Our fear is that he remains and will “Squat like a Toad, close at the eare of EVE”.

Some good news; some potentially bad.

20.01.17. And the news ends up being bad, with the toad deciding to irritate everyone for another year.


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