Don't do it, Michael, don't do it

Hat in the ring… Er, no.

I did think about applying to be DP co-ordinator until a massive migraine reminded me of what was likely to happen if I did get the job. Well, that and the fact that I’d be nothing more than a caretaker, seeing out the programme before I went back to being a teacher. If I was younger, I might’ve considered this as a career move, but it wouldn’t be that now and would thus serve no useful purpose in my life. There’s also a lot to learn which, I think, would take me five years to get the hang of, and I could do without having to deal with any reaccreditations.

I was also relieved to know that Screeching Susan had got a job elsewhere, having decided not to apply for the post because she’d lose on the deal.

The school wanted to keep the job in house, which means that as Mr Bradford decided not to bother, the Father of the House will get the job instead, which is for the best.


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