Just work at your convenience

Is it Nanny or is it the Net?

I can't log on to Spaces; I can't check Hotmail; I can't get past the front page of The Guardian; and other sites are behaving erratically. Once again I'm left helpless because I don't know whether the problem is part of the Internet itself, or whether Nanny is mucking around with the switches. I'm going to be charitable and assume the former, since the problems al somewhat random in nature.

I'm trying to pack for the trip. I had to break out the medium-sized suitcase in the end. I couldn't fit my suit comfortably into the small one, and the gifts I've bought for my parents would take up too much real estate. Unfortunately, the side handle came off the medium-sized one after I came back from Hong Kong. I can use the handle on the top, but it's a bit of a nuisance.

I've tried to keep things to a safe minimum. I'll have a little extra space coming back, which will help because I'm intending to buy a few things.

But I've reached that point where I'm wondering what I've forgotten, which I'm probably conflating with what I can't pack until tomorrow morning. The hand-painted double happiness sign stinks, which is a pity because I wanted to give that to Kirsten and Nick rather than the tacky-looking pre-made versions. It's too big to fit flat into any plastic bag I have, and I don't want the smell to seep through the plastic, which it almost certainly would because Chinese plastic bags are a porous affair.

I'll be live again on Friday next week, although hopefully Spaces will be behaving again. It should be, but MSN suffers from hiccups now and then, and this is, for me, an awkward time for this to be happening. I do note, though, that when I was able to check my Spaces blog stats, I'd had a paltry nine hits today, which is seriously down on about 80 yesterday.


Gabby Girl said…
Hey there. I just wanted to say thank you for the useful information you provided me. It works great! I have no problem getting to my blog now. Thanks again, and thanks for visiting my blog. If this posts twice, I'm sorry. I tried leaving a comment once, but nothing happened when I hit the submit button.
Uncle Angel said…
I'm glad I could help.

Google doesn't always behave as expected when you post comments. I had to post my comment twice before it was submitted. I don't know whether this is deliberate or quite what.

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