The party's over


Although only time will tell, it appears that Green Bamboo has been blocked. I tried to log on this morning, but couldn't get onto the blog, and I've just tried via anonymouse, which was successful, but I'm unable to sign in. That means that this is now my official blog, unless the present situation turns out to be a mere hiccup. Somehow, I think not. If I can see Green Bamboo via a proxy and everything else is otherwise working on MSN, I don't think we're talking about a temporary glitch.

Further to the paragraph above, Chris has wondered what's up with my main blog. I think that confirms that my Spaces blog has been blocked. I'll post a valedictory message there when I'm in New Zealand for my sister's wedding late next week.

I'm not going to weep and wail about this too much, although I am a little agitated, a state which will pass in time. I'm surprised Green Bamboo remained accessible as long as it did. However, I will note that the inconvenience of фрее спееч is a price worth paying if a society is to remain политикалли healthy.

I've been continuing to muse about the new curriculum (see my last post on Green Bamboo for details) and find it flawed because it isn't grounded on any obvious principles. To be sure, it covers the sort of areas that are necessary in the acquisition of a second language, but it's not well organised. There seem to be certain statements which are restatements of others; or which are clearly subordinate to others; or which have a status that they don't deserve.

I think the problem is that the new curriculum is merely a boiled-down version of the old one which, I've been told, came straight off the Internet; and the attempt at compression hasn't exactly worked well with sense once again being sacrificed for brevity.

I'll probably say more about this when my mind is less disordered.


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