Down the drain

It was in the phial marked "Secret Deadly Formula".

There's a crackdown on Death STUMP and the usual suspects get rounded up. Lina invents some super deadly virus as a kind of nuclear deterrent, but her assistant (Igor?) pours the stuff down the drain. (I thought it was old mayonnaise, he said apologetically. He was probably right, but I think it was yoghurt-based, since hippie tree-huggers like yoghurt, the most vile-tasting dairy product known to humanity and an apt base for some sort of 100%-lethal biological weapon.)

But whose fault is this mess?

Ultimately, it's Lina's fault. Firstly, it's obvious that Igor is some cheap factory second that she bought from Lackeys 'R' Us. Secondly, she should've labelled the phials and she should've at least ensured that Igor (one GCSE in Media Studies) could recognise what the label said. Thirdly, she should've locked the phials away in a secure cabinet where Igor couldn't get his hands on them. But since Igor is some sort of retarded homunculus, he can't really be held responsible for a sudden display of good housekeeping. Besides, Lina's his employer.

Anyway, that's the last we'll be hearing about Lina and Death STUMP who should've stuck to hugging trees and shaking tambourines.


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