The pain, the pain

Time to go to the dentist.

The idea that pain is always bad and pleasure always good is out of sync with nature because without pain, we’d never know there was anything wrong. The philosopher J. Baird Callicott notes that the elimination of pain is as wrong as the assumption of a tyrant that murdering messengers who deliver bad news improves his well-being and security.

Pain is uncomfortable. It has it’s benefits, although that’s of little comfort to those of us who suffer from migraines or other forms of intense pain. Without pain now and then, we’d appreciate pleasure less and in the complete absence of any sort of pain, we wouldn’t understand pleasure at all because that’d be the sum of existence.

Tomorrow we start the section on financial ethics. And if you want me to start it sooner, then cough up. Large sums of money can never be too small when I’m the recipient.


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