Where did you say it was?

Perhaps we can send them an irate letter.

With the arrival of the 81st dilemma, we only have twenty to go. Today’s dilemma is about a terrorist school which has quite a roll of evil-doing graduates most of whom I have, thankfully, never heard of. They are some rather unsavoury specimens of humanity. It sounds like the school ought to be bombed back to the Stone Age, and I’m sure the Americans, who are busy with their War on Terror, will be wanting to eliminate this place where the merchants of atrocities are trained in their Dark Arts.

Except there’s one small problem.

It’s actually in America itself (Fort Benning) and is funded by the American government. How ironic is that?

The book notes that the American philosopher, John Rawls, observed that the only way to come to an impartial decision is to be ignorant of the players and the effects of the decision. The problem in this case is that the American government takes the view that it can attack you, but you can’t attack it. It might be called Penelope Syndrome after Odysseus’ wife because his view was, “I can bonk as many women has I like, but my wife isn’t allowed to bonk anyone except me.” Or just call it hypocrisy.

Tomorrow it’s all about bums on pews in a tale of the Hate Preacher.


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