After the fall of the Roman Empire

Is the EU just more of the same?

I’ve been wondering about the EU over the past couple of days. I’ve long supposed that its creation was to prevent more European wars of the same magnitude as the First and Second, but I’ve also started wondering more recently whether, subconsciously, the EU is just more of the same going back to the days of the Holy Roman Empire. That is, some European country wants to be the predominant power in Europe, starting, I think, with the Germans once the Dark Ages were over and done with.

The Spanish had a bit of a go as well, and then the French from the late 18th century before the Germans reformed the band. Then someone thought that diplomacy might be a better idea than fighting horribly destructive wars which had become tainted with unpleasant political ideologies. Either way, it’s all about whether the French or the Germans get to run Europe. The British don’t really want anyone to run Europe, hence we don’t mind the pretence that the French and Germans are working in harmony when really they’re continuing the manoeuvres of centuries.


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