Because I can still do so

Another pointless post.

What the hell is wrong with the Greeks? Mind you, what the hell was wrong with Europe pretending that the EU could adopt a single currency all those years ago. I may not be an economist, but even I wondered how the economies of such a disparate group of countries were meant to function successfully together. I’ve also wondered on other occasions about the point of the EU. 66 years ago after World War II, it might’ve made sense after 145 years of the French and the Germans squabbling over who got to be Top Nation in Europe. I don’t believe there was any harm in Western European countries working closely together (which was undoubted spurred by the Cold War), but a united Europe makes less sense than a civilised one where the wars of the past millennia and a half become part of history.

Meanwhile, there’s been another spate of stories about hacking and fingers being pointed at the Empire. “We never done it,” the government whines. “We’re opposed to hacking.” No one should actually believe either statement. In the 19th century, the Empire seems to have been described all too frequently as a nation of thieves and liars, but this was not just duplicity practised on foreigners, but also on their fellow citizens. The biggest (?) irony of the 19th century must be Hong Kong, which the imperial government probably thought was a piece of useless crap far from the corridors of power that would never thrive. Instead, Hong Kong is a 21st century city while the rest of the Empire wallows in backwardness.

I’m going to give AS3 some newsademic today and see how they react to it. I predict their reaction will be one of indifference. TOEFL bores me as much as it bores them, but I live in a no-win world. If I tried to give them some real English, they’d give up because it’s beyond their capabilities.


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