The times, they are a-changin' and a-changin'

Swings and roundabouts.

We’ve already had two more timetable changes and the new term has barely started. The good (of you want to call it that) is that my Wednesday and Thursday are largely free, and the better is that I’ve lost two pre-AL β classes, which may be connected to the lack of an extra economics / business teacher. The bad is Friday with 8 classes.

We’re also getting a new leader. Their lordships decided to send Mr Foucault to another local school. At the moment, I know next to nothing about the new leader. I hope that the transition is smooth and we don’t get someone who either tries to remake everything in his own image from the start or tells us that he’s going to leave well alone, but doesn’t.

He’s new to the Empire, but he is coming from another Asian country with a socially retarded government, and may not find that things are a lot different.

Not everything is back to normal. We’re short one teacher, but I’m not sure what the situation is there. Seems the person who was offered the job declined it, but there was also some faffing with recruitment.

24.03.13. I learnt a couple of days ago that the reason for the change to the timetable can be laid at the feet of a student who switched from one programme to the other. This particular blot has been hauled in front of the new bwana for failing to attend class since he made the switch. He was absent from mine on Friday, and I dobbed him in. I’ll regret it because he’s a waste of space. I’ve heard he did  nothing in one programme, and now he’ll be doing nothing in ours. I don’t know what he hopes to achieve because we’ve got mocks coming up, and the finals are all too close. He’s too far behind to have a hope in hell of catching up.


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