When it's better not to write


The Ass classes are meant to be writing a column on gαy marriage. I had Ass β in the computer room  for a double (split by lunch) yesterday. Wise but lazy students posted nothing. Less wise but just as lazy students posted something. One moron wrote one word every two minutes and another wrote one word every four minutes. A third clown posted the entry which he should’ve posted on the first occasion I got them to do some blog writing.

There were also two girls who decided that SATs were more important than the class after lunch. No, you cretins, SATs are of secondary importance to all else. Go join an AP programme or go to the States and attend high school there where they matter; otherwise stop wasting class time with something that’s neither relevant nor important.

What annoyed me about these two was the excuse that they didn’t know what to write. They have several articles from the Guardian and a list of features which characterise a column. They have plenty of material on which they can base their opinions

I have another split double with Ass α&γ today when I’m expecting much the same amount of activity from them. I predict that my eternally low expectations will be confirmed.


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