FH5, Do(ugh)nut Media Story

A little pain with your grind, sir?

Made soggy by the vile weather here in the Workers’ Socialist Paradise™, I decided to take care of the Do(ugh)nut Media Story this afternoon. I cheated a bit by watching ISAD do the story on YouTube, and guessed that I could cheese at least some of it.

Low car

1. Welcome to Low Team. This is one where you can ignore the roads a head across country to complete it without any penalties.

2. Every car at Horizon ranked. This one does have checkpoints, but the 1997 Nissan GT-R is surprisingly well behaved. (I prefer the 1993 GT-R.)

3. Déjà Vu. Another one you can cheese by going off road. The low car goes faulty and you crawl to the finish.

4. Bumper 2 Bumper. I had to redo this one because I decided to take a shortcut to the drift zone and then couldn’t find the drift zone. But this was also a colossal pain on a keyboard, and I barely scraped 150,000 points in a car that was impossible to drive. Another instance of the game punishing you for not playing it on an xbox with a controller.

5. To the rescue. I remembered to take a snap of the truck. Another task with checkpoints, but doable. I had to repeat it because I looked at the map, saw that it was easier to go in the opposite direction, and got reset.

High car

1.Welcome to High Team. Again, I headed across country.

2. Doughnut Delivery. This was the other painful one because like other park-on-the-spot stories, the radius around the spot is rather vague. I hate these because the uncertainty can lead to time wasting. I’ve reached the destination, I’ve done, show me the money.

3. Time after time. I cheesed this one by going cross country. I possibly also broke the game because in spite of the commentary mentioning the damage, the car seemed to be unaffected.

4. Up to Speed. Nissan Z + checkpoints. Not painful apart from having to listen to Americans mispronounce “Nissan” and “Z”.

5. Cars are pain. Back in the truck. Made it to the destination with a whisker to spare.

High and low car

6. Does more expensive mean better? Here the player upgrades an old Fairlady Z and drives it to the destination which is roughly the start of Descansar Dorado. Lots of exclamation marks in yellow circles on various components. They don’t seem to have any significance. The next result of this story was the addition of two more Fairlady Zs to my garage. I was expecting the cars to be one-offs, which vanished into the digital ether, but there they were in my garage. I already have two with nice liveries on them.

Like the previous Do(ugh)nut Media Story, this was doable without (mostly) being a massive pain, and likely previous story, I shan’t be returning to it. 


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