The latest style in writing

I just can't stop myself.

Every so often I find that I keep using the same sort of phraseology over and over again. When I was an undergrad, I suddenly became very aware that I was using a lot of participial clauses which I attributed to learning Classical Greek. I don't know whether I really was using more participial clauses at that time than might've been usual, but I found them noticeable.

My current mania is for inserting clauses slightly out of their normal order. For example,

Winter in Beijing, apart from rare occasions, was almost always dry.

where I might place "apart from rare occasions" at the start of the sentence or at the end where I'd probably treat is as an afterthought. Perhaps I've found this construction more noticeable recently because Mill tends to insert clauses into the sentence in a similar fashion. In all likelihood, I've used this device all along, but it took someone else making extensive use of it to bring it to my attention.


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