I'm sure that's going to happen

Public words; private truths.

I've just had the weekly meeting with Linda and 蛇夫人. "Ye shall be at school for half a day every day." Why? I wondered. To hang around just in case some kid who's skiving from class might want to use us as a convenient bolt hole?

I don't generally need to be at school any longer than I'm already there. Apart from classes, there's not a lot for me to do there. The planning is all done here at home because everything I need is on my computer. The alternative would be to sit around in the office being bored and probably being a nuisance to the others. Time well spent, methinks. [So that's sarcasm. –ed.]
Later. Turns out that the catalyst for the comments at the meeting this morning was the ever reliable SEF who, it'd appear, has quite possibly had everything handed to him on a plate. I really need to sit in on one of his classes because no one's sure whether he's even doing what he ought to be doing.


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