Skinhua strikes again

But I'm sure it's in the public interest.

While Spaces is playing silly buggers, I may as well post an entry or two here. I was just doing a search via Baidu for Zhang Zeduan's picture 清明上河, but as is typical with any search via any search engine, you often get some odd results, one of which was a picture of a hot girl lying on a bed. I clicked on the link and found myself on this page on, which seems to be informing us that the cutie in question has had a little surgery recently. I can't read enough of the Chinese to understand what it says, but I'd say from the pictures that 陈瑀涵 (Chén Yǔhán; I guess that's her name) didn't really need any enhancement in the first place and is now sporting a somewhat unattractive cleavage.

How this picture ends up being returned as a search result for Zhang Zeduan, I don't know.


Anonymous said…
BAIDU网-->图片-->张择端清明上河图,then you will find lots of pics about that.:)

The above links might help you.

For the link of 陈瑀涵, it's about her narration of sexy body.....@_@
Uncle Angel said…
Thanks for the links. I also found a painting in this genre by an artist called 仇英 (1505-1555) in a local bookshop.

"Narration of sexy body"?! 哎呀!

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