Spaces out to lunch again

MSN must be fiddling with the settings again.

Spaces has been out of action today. They've been making some changes recently so I assume they're doing some more tweaking. Hotmail was all right, though.

The good news is that I've been reimbursed for all the expenses I incurred over the summer. There was a question about excess baggage, but that was unavoidable. It was possible to box up a lot of stuff, but not everything, although there was more stuff left over than I was expecting. I'd tried to pare things down as much as possible, but I didn't want to arrive in Chengdu and then have to rebuy a bunch of stuff that I already have.

We're off to see some irrigation scheme tomorrow. There's even meant to be a hill with a cable car. We're going with a group of American school kids who are over here for a month. One or perhaps both of the teachers with them want to do some teaching, which means that there's a couple of classes each of us won't have to worry about next week.

Once again I found myself wondering where to have tea this evening and thought I'd tried Cafe Firenze, which is south of Zoe's on 人民南路. The prices are on the expat side of things, but the Florentine Chicken was delicious. The chicken was amazingly tender. But given the prices, it's a place I'll only be visiting once in a while.

While I was waiting, the maître d' offered me a couple of mags in English. Turned out to be a publication called Chengdoo [sic!] City Life (website). I guess I should've known there'd be such a publication. Seems to be quite new. I was offered last month's issue which was the seventh. Anyway, it should be a useful guide to stuff I'm not aware of. For example, I now have a rough idea of where the Jin Sha Museum is (but rather expensive at ¥80), and I know what street the Leg and Whistle is on. Might be worth checking out to see whether it's more agreeable than the Shamrock which, I thought, was a bit skanky. However, the mystery is where 科华街 is.


I found a website with not only the info, but also a Google Earth ref. 科华街 is not far north of the Second Ring Road and on the east side of the better-known 科华北路. The only problem with this place is that it's a long way from here, our situation not helped by the difficulty of getting a taxi from anywhere in Chengdu at any time of the day. It'd be nice if there was somewhere like that out here. There are bars up the road from Glen and Row, but I can't imagine I'd really want to frequent them.


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