I definitely like some of you

But not all of you.

In the main, the pre-AL classes have been all right. Pre-AL α is better than pre-AL β, but only because the latter has some infantile vegetables who are the heirs to the last lot of vegetables we managed to get rid of. I also have a new Elaine. The old one spent about a year and a half looking like a rabbit, which was about to cry, caught in headlights. She then vanished, the rumour being that she’d been sent to Hong Kong for a little nip/tuck.

This new one, though, has a hard, smug quality about her. You should’ve seen the look on her face when I reminded her that she’s not permitted to eat in class. I’m not sure whether it was a look of bafflement (“What did the foreigner just say?”) or a look of effrontery (“How dare you presume to give me orders, servant person!”). I think she understood, though. She’ll probably annoy me by doing adequately well in the exams.

There are also some other numbskulls in pre-AL β who’ll ruin that class. Get rid of them and I think the rest would probably be all right.


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