The Judgement of Uncle Angel

The end of the first week.

Last year by the end of the first week, we had qualms about the pre-AL students. It might be that this year’s pre-AL students are bright, shiny and new, and so very junior middle school, but my sense of the classes overall is quite positive.

With respect to the Senior 2s, I’m a little less confident. I’ve been saddled with the SL classes. I’m not totally without some decent students, but I fear the classes might be infected by that ethos of indolence which comes from their ignorance and unwillingness to put in a little effort. That’s a pity because last year’s pre-AL classes actually did much better for themselves than any of us initially predicted.

But this is also very much what you get with students here. Like the rest of imperial society, there is a general reluctance to do more than the bare minimum to achieve some end.


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