FH5, Series 27, preview

Or, The Antiques Roadshow, US edition.

Let’s start with the Autoshow Car Vouchers, which seems to be a cynical cash grab. The target cullies are, I assume, the Game Pass brigade who contribute so little financially to MS’s vast money bins, but are probably the players who turn up on Facebook wanting to know how to make more money because they can’t be bothered doing races to earn the credits they need. Mind you, this could also be used by new players to get the Autoshow cars that barely if ever turn up in wheel spins without spending vast sums on them. FH4 suffered from there being a number of expensive cars that were never playlist or wheel spin rewards.

And then there’s new DLC car pack. Yes, I’ll cave and buy it, but only for the Saleen S7 LM. I don’t want some ridiculous hot rod van, another obese agricultural barge, or some obscenely overpowered hypercar that’s only good for PR stunts.

As for the rest, it’s mostly like the Antiques Roadshow. The series cars are a pair of shrugs. The 2023 Corvette Z06 is nice if you saved your shekels by not buying FM to get the Corvette E-ray. The Rossion Q1? Why? As far as I recall it’s a Noble M400 (which we have in FH5) with a different body. I can’t recall the last time I drove the Rossion in FH4, but a long time ago. And the rest are all antique American bangers.

“Although Series 23 may be called Summer Party, it really ought to be called the American Automotive Update,” I said presciently in an earlier post. No, I think you get the idea that in spite of the idiot YouTubers hyperbolically wanking themselves off, this is a fairly mediocre update with a bunch of cars that ought to have been left in some museum where they belong.

But don’t worry, we’re getting lots of new aero… Sorry, rims. More rims. Er, why? Are rim manufacturers on a marketing binge? Three more body kits.

But wait! We’re getting four new sprint races. Fine, but what about some circuit races? The aerodrome race could be a challenge because I can see the drivatars blasting along the long, straight section at impossible speeds. Another of the new races seems to be a variation on Descansar Dorado. I’m not really sure what the point of these new races is. Yes, it’ll give us something new to do, but I wonder what the replay value will be.

I haven’t seen any hints about Series 28. I don’t recall JakeXVX mentioning anything, but a post on the forums mentions cross country.


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