FH5, Series 42, Week 1

We start with the weekly challenge in the ridiculously overpowered Rimac Concept 2. I don’t think I’ve ever actually built the car, but then again, I never actually drive it unless the circumstances force me to.

I feared that the sole new car in this series, the Chevrolet C10, might be an undrivable mess in Rivals, but it wasn’t awful. In a similar vein, EV Rivals round Ek’ Balam passed through the history of my life without raising any problems.

I took a photo, I got a scarf. I may already have had the scarf.

The collectibles task in the stadium was a bit of a pain because some arse of a player, who may already have completed the challenge, was smashing all the dinosaur piñatas, spamming chat with “Ha ha!” and sounding his horn incessantly as if I was going to pay the slightest amount of attention to him. I thought that it didn’t matter whether some other player smashed one of these items, it was only smashed on their screen. This seems not to have been the case because if this little toad smashed one of the piñatas, I was unable to do so till it respawned. Got the task done in the end.

One Eventlab this week. FCG HH2: Akkaris in the Warthog. A straightforward layout with awful glare from the lights. What was the reward? The dreadful Hoonigan Bel Air.

I tried several cars to get the Northern Passage speed trap before switching to the F40 Competizione for a rubbish SWS. I just managed to one-shot Escarpment for an SWS that was one-third excellent and one-third very good, thus compensating me for the previous SWS. I also one-shotted the speed zone and got a two-thirds good SWS.

For Horizon Tour, it was S1 900 classic racers. I was in my Ferrari P4 (S1 870) which was surprisingly understeery. I managed a 2nd in Sierra Verde, overtaking the usual sort who can’t take corners. I came 3rd round Horizon Mexico after broadsiding a player who was ahead of me who’d spun on a corner, where there was little I could do to avoid him. It was another 2nd place round Tierra Próspera in an uneventful race; or if there were events happening, it was all behind me.

I picked the Holden Sandman for the Trial, which had slightly upgraded tyres and a little extra power. I was a bit slow off the line, but came 1st in Jungle Descent after the player in the lead understeered over the side of the bridge just ahead of the finish line. That was also an odd race because when we got to the switchback section down to the river, I saw a drivatar go flying off the road and then on the mini map could see it (probably) in 1st place, while the game said that the player ahead of me was in 1st, with the errant drivatar not being reset, it’d seem. I managed a 2nd in Carretera Chase after the usual sort of thing where the drivatar in 3rd sits in front of me until we reach a corner. I had to get a little defensive on the motorway in case I got overtaken, but kept my place and the job was done.

The HW PR stunt was a repeat screening of the one we did not so long ago. This time I approached it from the far side and got it done in one go. The SWS was one-third very good and a 2016 Aventador, but I have a couple of them already.

The RA PR stunt took a few attempts in the FE BMW X5, but I knew that was probably going to be the case. The SWS was rubbish.

The C10 “Slayer” looks like the sort of car you’d want as a Matchbox toy or Hot Wheels car. It looks like the sort of thing which gets transported to car shows, sits there attracting Hot Wheels fans, and never gets driven except on very special occasions. Has 8/9 for tuning, but the options for building it are very, very limited. As I said above, much power, but it’s a fat barge.


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